Benefits of the Brookfield Masterplan
The new Garden Village and Riverside development will create an identity and sense of place for Brookfield and the wider Borough of Broxbourne. It will be an attractive place to live and work and will deliver a step change in the economy, attracting people to live, work, visit and invest in the borough.
The Brookfield Masterplan will deliver many benefits for the Borough of Broxbourne and beyond.
1,500 new homes, including up to 40% affordable homes and elderly persons’ accommodation
New, full time jobs for local people
Sustainable development and improved biodiversity
Improved roads and junctions to ease congestion
Pedestrian, cycle and public transport links
Inward investment in the local area with trickle down benefits for local businesses
Construction jobs and apprenticeships
Exceptional standards of design across all elements to deliver an attractive, safe and sustainable development while enhancing the historic landscape and environment.